The City Council Agenda is set by the administration and managed by City Clerk, Jodi Weise:, 228-273-3331.
Agenda items consist of ordinances and resolutions that, by law, must be voted on by the Mayor and Council.
If you have an issue that requires the attention or action of the Mayor and Council, please consult with Jodi Weise and she will determine if an agenda action is warranted. (This includes people and businesses with which the City has ongoing contracts or other business) Otherwise, the Council provides two opportunities at each meeting for comments by citizens on any subject matter and limited to 3 minutes of speaking time.
Note: The Citizen’s Comments section of the agenda is not a question and answer session and the Mayor, Council and other administration officials may make a note of your concerns and follow up with more information, but they may not provide answers or information at the time of your comments.
The deadline for ALL agenda items is 2:00 the Wednesday before the meeting date. After Wednesday, the agenda will be closed for further additions or changes.
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