City Administration

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The Department strives to meet the following core values:

  • Quality
    We are driven to meet a high standard of excellence and to provide outstanding levels of support and service.
  • Integrity
    We commit to conforming to the highest level of ethical standards. The decisions and services we offer will be honest, fair, impartial and transparent.
  • Leadership
    We will maintain a high level of financial expertise to provide directions and solutions that ensure the City’s financial strength.
  • Teamwork
    We work together to make the best decisions collectively and in the best interest of the City. As a team, we capitalize on the strengths of each member.

The mission of the City Manager Department is to create and sustain a dynamic structure that safeguards the fiscal integrity of the City of D’Iberville through the development and implementation of sound financial policies and processes. We will provide financial leadership and expertise to enable compliance with legal and policy requirements and support strategic decisions for City of D’Iberville initiatives to proactively ensure that all resources are managed and accounted for in an effective and efficient manner.

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Bobby Tac 4498 Pp

Bobby Weaver

City Manager

228-273-3344 / Robert A. “Bobby” Weaver, a resident of D’Iberville since 1968 and a proud Warrior, became the City Manager of D’Iberville in September 2022. As City Manager, Bobby oversees the daily operation of this City with a population of over 14,000 residents, a wonderful City Staff of 150 personnel and works closely with the Mayor and City Council in developing the City’s vision and policies for continued success and growth. Bobby started his government career in 1985 as a Road Superintendent for Harrison County and progressed through the years as: Bridge Superintendent, Assistant Road Manager, Sand Beach Authority Director and in 2009 assumed the additional role as the County’s Road Manager. Additionally, Bobby has vast amount of disaster experience and served as the County’s Operation Section Chief for their Incident Management Team leading their response and recovery efforts for Hurricane Katrina and the BP Deep Horizon Oil Spill. In 2011, Bobby retired from County Service and became employed with Seymour Engineering, PLLC as a Senior Project Manager and Training Consultant. Serving as the Firms Liaison with the City of D’Iberville, Bobby has participated in numerous City infrastructure projects and became a vital component to the City’s operation up until his selection as the City Manager. For nearly, 30 years, Bobby has served as a Lead Training Instructor for the Mississippi Local Technical Assistance Program administered by the Mississippi Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. These training courses focused on the safe and effective movement of traffic throughout roadways in Mississippi and adjoining States. Bobby and his wife Deanna, have been married for over forty years. They have two daughters and son in laws and are the proud grandparents of 3 wonderful granddaughters with a new granddaughter on the way in April 2023.

Duties of City Manager

The city manager shall, subject to law:

  • be responsible to the council for the entire administration of the city government;
  • prepare and recommend to the council an annual budget;
  • administer and secure the enforcement of all laws and ordinances of the city;
  • appoint and remove all departments heads and other employees of the city, except that notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the council shall appoint the city attorney, the auditor, and the police justice, if any, and the council may, in its discretion, appoint the city clerk and treasurer;
  • supervise and control all department heads and other employees and their subordinates;
  • negotiate contracts and make all purchases for the city, subject to existing laws and subject to the approval of the council;
  • see that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the city or its inhabitants in any statute or municipal ordinance regarding public utility franchises or other contracts are faithfully kept and performed, and upon knowledge of any violation thereof call the same to the attention of the council;
  • make such recommendations to the council as he may deem expedient or necessary;
  • make reports or recommendations to the council upon request, and at least once a year present a written report of his work and the financial condition of the city for the information of the council and of the public;
  • perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance or resolution of the city
Sharron Perkins

Sharron Perkins

Assistant City Manager

228-273-3333 /

Sharron was named Assistant City Manager in August 2022, after serving as the Chief Financial Officer for the City of D’Iberville since 2004.   The Assistant City Manager performs the duties of the City Manager during his absence and provides direct supervision over the following departments:  Police, Fire, Human Resources, Finance, Water Administration and Court Administration.  Her responsibilities include preparation of the annual budget, monitoring of the budget for fiscal soundness, working with outside auditors, and providing technical assistance to other departments on budgetary, auditing, funds administration, accounts payable, grants, payroll and related financial management matters.

Sharron is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration – Accounting from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has also completed the Municipal Clerk classes through the MS State Extension Service.

Sharron has lived on the MS Gulf Coast her entire life.  She and her husband, Tony, have two children – Caitlin and Jacob.  In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, serving at her church, and spending time with her family.

Jodi Weise 01162016 7de2a0fb2280f340d1547b37e32daa80

Jodi Weise

City Clerk

Duties of City Clerk

  1. Keeps the Municipal Minutes in which all official actions of the governing authorities are recorded.
  2. Keeps the Ordinance Book and certifies ordinances.
  3. Keeps the Resolution Book
  4. Keeps the Municipal Docket (AGENDA), the list of subjects to be acted upon by the governing authorities at their meeting.
  5. Certifies, with the mayor, all municipal codes after adoption of the Councilmen
  6. Serves as custodian of the municipal seal
  7. Handles City Building/vehicle insurance
  8. Serves as custodian of all contracts
  9. Responsible for bid openings
  10. Serves as registrar of voters.
  11. Conducts municipal general and special elections.
  12. Preserves public records.
  13. Records and directs citizen concerns and complaints.

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