Planning and Zoning

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The Planning and Zoning Department is responsible for the administration of the City’s Zoning Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations, Smartcode and Architectural Guidelines in order to preserve the unique characteristics of our community. We strive to guide development that will enhance the quality of life for the City and its citizens.

The department reviews development proposals for consistency with goals, objectives, and land use policies that are regulated by the adopted ordinances and guidelines.


The Department of Planning & Zoning is the primary contact for the public on opening any business, subdivision, development, and rezoning of property, landscaping, signage, architectural guidelines, cases before the City’s Planning Commission, and similar matters addressed in the City’s Zoning Ordinance.

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Christy Duggan

Christy Duggan



20 Year Comprehensive Plan

A comprehensive plan is a policy document with specific components required by law.  D’Iberville has the authority to prepare a comprehensive plan and implement planning through the enabling legislation, codified beginning at 17-1-1 Mississippi Code Annotated, 1972.

The specific legal contents of a comprehensive plan are set out in 17-1-1 of the Mississippi Code.  Through the eyes of the law, four components are required of a document to constitute a comprehensive plan including:  Goals and Objectives, a Land Use Plan, a Transportation Plan and a Community Facilities Plan.  This plan contains each of these four elements along with some additional components which are useful in determining how best to accommodate future growth.

Click the image above to view our 20-Year Comprehensive Plan.

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