Parks and Recreation | Director

Troy Saucier

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Troy Saucier

Troy Saucier has worked tirelessly, for many years, to grow and maintain the beautiful event locations throughout the City of D’Iberville. These stunning locations include the Award-Winning Rusty Quave Sports Complex, Bobby Eleuterius Sports Complex, Riverside Park, Fountain Pier, Rudy Moran Park and Town Green to name a few.

Troy Saucier has earned the GSSA park of the year award and has worked hard to expand the number and size of tournaments held at the City of D’Iberville sports complexes. The employees in his charge are able to maintain the complexes with high efficiency, allowing for large tournaments, e.g. the Baseball World Series to be held in close succession on back-to-back weekends…sometimes for four weeks in a row.

These complexes are home to many Youth Sports Leagues, i.e, Cal Ripken Baseball, ASA Softball, Soccer – TOPS and Recreation, as well as the Youth Football League and the Youth Cheer League. Even Biddy Basketball has a home in D’Iberville.

Troy Saucier takes great pride in encouraging children to learn and grow through youth athletic programs. With the abundance of event locations Parks and Recs has available to the public, it’s easy to see that Troy Saucier and the City of D’Iberville strive to be inclusive to all of its citizens.

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